Monday, December 16, 2019

Why Doesn't Black Cohosh Work?

If you have been taking Black Cohosh for hot flashes or PMS and it is not working, here are a few of the possible reasons. 

Maybe it's not right for you:

studies show that Black Cohosh is shown to help 20-50% of women by decreasing the unwanted symptoms of PMS.

This means that it doesn't help 50-80% of them 

You have not been taking it for long enough:

The endocrine system is not easily manipulated. 

Hot flashes and PMS are hormonal issues. The system that controls all the release and reuptake of hormones is called the endocrine system.  

The endocrine system is very well balanced and well protected.

Trust me you don't want to drastically alter this one, any changes made should be slow and gradual so that all of the important parts have time to adjust. 

This means that anything that is going to make a positive change needs to be taken regularly for an appropriate amount of time. 

You are not taking enough:

proper dosage is a huge factor in taking any herbal medicine, even more so when you are trying to affect something as complicated as the endocrine system. 

Other reasons:

Truth be told, any other reasons would fall under the first thing that I said. 

It may just be that black cohosh is not the herb your body needs to help balance it out. 

other herbal options can be vetex and cramp bark.