Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Multivitamin Review Number One

​As I have mentioned many times, I am a very strong believer in the importance of taking a good multivitamin.

Once again I find that just the first thing I write needs its own blog post or webpage as in “Why should you take a multivitamin”.

Now I have been taking GNC MEGA MEN multivitamin for a very long time now, about nine years, and I am very happy with it.

My wife has been taking GNC WOMEN’S ULTRA MEGA also for about nine years. She is very happy with the GNC multivitamin, but I recently switched her to Pure Synergy Multi for women, and I will tell you why.

There are two very important things that I take into consideration when I am buying a multivitamin. Now this is for me and my wife who lives the same life style and has the same budget. If I was recommending a multi to a client or a friend then I would change my approach according to their needs.
The two things that I look at are:
How much B-complex vitamins does it have
What is the herbal formula that it includes, if it has none then I will not buy it
B-complex vitamins

What did you say? You don’t know what B-complex vitamins are good for. No problem, I will explain it to you real simple and fast.

B-complex vitamins are essential for our body to be able to produce energy on the cellular level. In my opinion and from my experience, the recommended daily amounts for all B-complex vitamins is very low and should be changed, but I am not there yet to change them. But really the recommended daily amounts of B-complex vitamins may be enough to survive, but not enough to be totally pumped.
So I am looking for something that has at least 200% of the recommended daily value of B-complex vitamins.

Now the GNC vitamins have a much higher level of B-complex Vitamins then the pure synergy ones, but the pure synergy vitamins have a much better herbal formula.

This brings me to my second decision making aspect of a multivitamin, the herbal formula. All good quality multivitamins today have an herbal formula packed with a bunch of those super herbs that everyone should just be taking.

The GNC multivitamins have a very nice herbal formula but in my opinion the pure synergy multivitamins have a better one.

Also the pure synergy vitamins are much more natural; this means that the vitamins and minerals they contain are taken from all natural sources. Making them more fit for absorption by the human body.

Probably the next time I purchase a multivitamin I am going to try the pure synergy multi for men.

In the end they are both good quality multi vitamin that have noticeable effects on overall health.

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