Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Peacefully Accenting - A Bit About Adaptogens


Many times change in our lives is met with difficulty, even when it is a good change.

Herbs which are considered Adaptogens help us to deal with the stress of such changes.

ASTRAGALUS is one such herb

But I think that there is a secret to easily move up the ladder of life, and this could be the financial, social or even spiritual ladder, without the difficulty of dealing with the change. Because let's face it moving up any of those ladders in itself is hard, why should we be having a hard time when we have actually achieved our goal and get to the next level.

I think the idea of a ladder is great because how you land on the next step or rung depends on how you left the one before it.

When we are trying to further ourselves in any field of life we seem to grow unhappy and perhaps even resentful of our current position.

This may just be my experience but I believe that most people go through this at some level.

The fine balance lies in the ability to be able to really appreciate where you are now while staying motivated to work toward a positive change. This is because just being happy about where you are has the chance of leading to stagnation.

But if you leave your current level with a feeling of unhappiness, that unhappiness can follow you to the next stage in the game in the form of stress.

So how can Adaptogens help?

Well in the end you are going to have to find a way to be happy with where you are now to be really happy with where you want to be, that's just the way it is in my humble opinion.

There are no major plants that are going to do that for you.

But herbal Adaptogens help to keep us in the peak state so that we can get the most done and in the best way. 

Here is a link to an article on that I felt explained that even better.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Citron Fruit Health Benefits And My Random Thoughts

Today is the eve of the sukkot holidays and I actually have time to write and research a bit.

And of course to let my mind do it's own crazy rounds like it always does.

So the Citron Fruit is one of the four species that we Jews have a tradition to shake around.

So what was actually very interesting to read was that the Citron is one of the three original citrus fruits that all the rest of citrus fruits are just a combination of these original three.

And once again it is all about the three.

Ok before I go on with my own random thoughts.

Yes the Citron has lots of vitamin C and tons of bioflavonoids, I bet you are not surprised to hear that it strengthens the immune system not too different from the lemon or the orange just one of the original three.

It's crazy about three.

In Jewish mysticism you have the first three highest spheres that everything comes from.

At least all of creation, there are some even above these three but that is just other worldly stuff.

The Greeks had their three big gods.

Christianity has the holy trilogy.

And although I couldn't find the big three in the Muslim faith I'm sure it's there. Anyway the Muslim faith is the third of the Abrahamic religions.

So I didn't get to finish this before the holiday started, but lucky for me it's a long one, eight days.

The number eight has its own significance, not gonna get into that here though.

The fundamental idea behind monotheism, which is also the foundation of the three Abrahamic religions, is the same as that of holistic philosophy.

This is also the fundamental idea behind holistic medicine.

As a believer I try my best to look at the world as one entity.

The high holidays as well as sukkot are a time when we have a chance to connect with this on an even higher level.

May we all have the good fortune in these trying times to bring this down to our day to day lives on even a higher level than before.