Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Two Books that changed my life

 So let's start like this.

If you read this blog there is a very good chance that you can see that I am no professional writer.

I have been playing with writing and blogging on and off for over ten years now, but never got around to really taking it seriously.

Well, now there is a topic to get into.

Anyway, the two books are:

The Five AM Club

Happy money

So the reason I started with the I am not sure about how well I can write was because I don't even have the author's names at this moment.

Not very professional.

The five am club is a great read and here is the biggest piece of advice I can give to anyone who would really like to take this book seriously.

The whole point of the book can be summarized into one line that is repeated throughout.

It's own your morning change your world.

haha, this was soo funny because I wrote this over a year ago and never posted it.

Until today I actually cared about how things look on this Blog and then I would wait to post something, well to hell with that.

I feel blogging started out as online journaling and then became a business must like every business needs to have a blog to give it a personal touch, or is that now an Instagram account?

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