Sunday, April 12, 2020

Cleansing Herbs Spotted

I walked past these lush pants all night thinking that I needed to take some pictures and share a story about them.

They are growing along a path that is usually walked on allot, but I think that because of the Corona lock down they have been able to get really big.

Truth is I should also mention some of the ways that my own outlooks have changed in connection with this whole crazy world wide pandemic but I don't know if this is the place.

My point is just to share these pictures of wild pants that have so much healing powers and just grow rampant.

The one on top and this one below are milk thistle. It's great for liver health and detoxification.

The second one down here is Stinging Nettle which is well known for its cleansing and nourishing powers. 

It is funny to call them powers, but I can't think of a better term at this very moment. Would aspects of capabilities work better?

Nope, I think power is the best fit for now. 

Be careful if you don't know, they really do sting. If you harvest them wear thick gloves with no holes. 

I have not yet tried to wild harvest nettle but I hope to tomorrow. 

But this is what I read. 

To get the sting out of them all you need to do is cook them, dry them or crush them.

Last but not least you have the Mallow which is a cleansing plant that can be just eaten fresh in salads instead of lettuce.  

It's springtime and there are so many great plants growing wild right now I hope I get a chance to tell you all about more. 

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