Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Bacopa Monnieri - Nootropics - Brain Food

So I started taking this NOOTROPIC (just a fancy name for a food supplement aimed to help brain function) and I thought I would do a little bit of blogging about the stuff that it has inside the vegan capsules. 

It was actually interesting I felt like they helped me even the first time that I took them but my wife who took them as well said they were totally bogus and did not do anything. So who knows maybe it was just the placebo effect. 

What I really wanted to write about were the herbs that it has in it.

But maybe I'll get to the other stuff as well.

But I am always drawn to the botanicals.

Because Herbal Medicine was the first thing that really caught my interest  about this whole world of complementary medicine.

The first Herb written in the ingredients is Bacopa monnieri which is a herb that comes to us from ayurvedic medicine. 

I actually feel like a lot of the herbs that have a traditional use for strengthening brain function come to us from ayurvedic medicine but I am going to have to look into that further before I can say anything.

Ok let us cut to the chase here. 

Bacopa monnieri

There is a significant amount of research out there to show that this plant MAY BE helpful for the following six things. 

  • Contains powerful antioxidants
  • May reduce inflammation
  • may boost brain function
  • may help reduce adhd symptoms
  • May prevent anxiety and stress
  • May help lower blood pressure levels

I am not going to go and cite all the research but if you are interested here is the link.

The one thing amongst the above list that I do want to touch upon is the first.

Why would the fact that it contains powerful antioxidants be helpful for brain function?

And why do we want antioxidants anyways?

I don't have the answer to these questions but I think it is important to ask the question.

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