Thursday, August 13, 2020

What Are Figs Good For?

 What Are Figs Good For?

Well they are good to eat and delicious.

But really now.

Figs are a great low calorie snack when eaten fresh, but try to stay away from the dried ones they are packed with sugar and that means calories.

Figs are great to get the digestive tract moving, making them a great help when dealing with constipation.

I have an uncle that got nicknamed the fig man because he ate a bunch of figs one weekend and well he found out what a great laxative they can be.

If you get what I'm saying.

Figs are also packed with vitamins and minerals.

Just take a look at the photo below.

There is also some research pointing out that figs may be helpful in keeping the heart healthy.

Here is a link to all that research if you are interested.

The reason I actually thought about figs is because they are in season now and the figs growing on the tree in my yard are just so good.


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