Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Natural Home Remedy for Toothaches

This is a good quick formula that is very easy to make as long as you have the right ingredients on hand. I actually just came up with it because my wife has been having some serious tooth pain. Of course she needs to see a dentist, but what about until then.

So what I made for her is a very simple mouth wash that helps to relieve the pain and also fight any inflammation or infection. I took a 300 ml bottle filled it ¾ of the way with water. Then I added about 30 ml of vodka but any grain alcohol of about 40% alcohol will work. Then I added 15 drops of lavender essential oil, 8 drops of mint oil, 10 drops of eucalyptus oil and 13 drops of sage oil. I out the cap on the bottle and shuck it very well. This kind of preparation should be kept closed and preferably in the refrigerator.

DO NOT SWALLOW THE MOUTH WASH. It is not harmful at all if you swallow a bit and even if you swallow a lot it wouldn't be a problem but it could be bad for the stomach.

Mouth washed should be used as many times as needed to keep the pain down. When using mouth wash, concentrate on the area of the mouth where the pain is.

All of the oils that I put into the mouth wash have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. The mint and the lavender oil are very helpful in relieving the pain.

The alcohol helps the oils to mix better with the water.

Warning – some people may be allergic to the oils in this formula. So if you have not used these oils before it is a good idea to put some of the solution on the inside of your elbow and wait ten minutes to see if it becomes red. If it does become red don't use this formula.

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